A revolution in the world of programming languages: the most popular one has changed!

A revolution in the world of programming languages: the most popular one has changed!

A revolution in the world of programming languages: the most popular one has changed! 150 150 admin

Python reached first place in the Tiobe programming ranking. For him, this is the first victory in the past 20 years. He managed to overthrow Java and C, very serious rivals, who have not let anyone in first place for years. Python is a high-level programming language. The scope of its application is very wide. In the development of applications and websites, it is also actively used. This interpreted object-oriented language has an open-source code and dynamic semantics.

Python programming language has been the head of Tiobe, which evaluates languages ​​in terms of their popularity among programmers. The rating has existed since 2003, although when compiling its very first versions, the authors have been guided by data over the past two years (since June 2001). Python reached first place for the first time, doing this in October 2021.

Python was walking systematically to this historical event, bypassing one opponent after another. The most difficult thing was to overtake the two main competitors – in July 2021, he came close to Java, stopping in third place, and by September 2021, Python dropped Java to the third line. The last rival on the way to the top was the language, and at that time the lag behind him was also minimal.

The compilers of the rating take into account various words in user requests, including Language and Programming. They take from the largest search engines in the world – Google, Bing, etc., as well as the most popular sites on the whole planet.

Python has been present in the ranking since the release of its very first version. For more than 20 years, Python has almost always been in the top 10, and only in February 2013, it sinks to the 13th line. This is its worst indicator for all past years.

There are some main advantages of this language:

  • Interpretation greatly simplifies testing and moving from the platform to the platform of small code blocks. Compatibility with most existing OS makes Python a universal programming language.
  • It is perfect for those who are just starting to program. This high-level language allows the developer to focus on the essence and goals, and not on specific steps and procedures. For this reason, writing scripts in Python is faster than in many other languages.
  • Its similarity with the natural language (English) greatly facilitates its study if you compare Python with other programming languages. The developer it easy to remember Python’s syntax and start reading the code.
  • In addition to small applied scripts, large commercial applications can be written on Python, thinking only about how to provide them with the necessary functionality (all small tasks are solved “under the hood”, and the programmer does not need to worry about them). The reliability makes the Python programming language very popular.

The entire server part of the website can be written in Python. But not on pure Python, but on popular frameworks (Django, Flask), which, in turn, are written on it. These frameworks simplify the generation processes of the HTML page, which the user sees in his browser, requests to the database, and address processing.